Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gavin Bosko

So it's been about 3 weeks, and I just thought I would share how Gavin's delivery went down. I started having contractions around 6am, and thought this is it better call into work going on maternity two days early (Yahoo!), but by 8am they had almost gone away. I was sad, so I walked Coraline to the park, let her play, walked back, did some squats, drank some water. Pretty uneventful. Then around 8pm I just want to go to sleep, but the contractions came back. I really didn't think much of it, but then they got more painful, so Matt and I went to the hospital around 10:30. When they checked me I was 9 centimeters and they were rushing me down the hallway to have a baby about 45 minutes later. Luckily, Susie and my great anesthesiologists were both able to do a wonderful job of helping me delivery Gavin Bosko. He was born Thursday, March 15th at 11:24 pm at 8 pounds 11 oz. Here are some pictures to enjoy :)