Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fun run…not so much…

So yesterday I was going to go running around the mall…one of those fun runs where you wear a shirt from a previous run and get to know more runners in Yuma…Well, in my hurry to get dressed in the dark I left the bottom drawer of my dress, which use to be my great grandmother’s (also made out of solid wood) open. I forgot something in my bed room and I was moving kind of fast and well, sort of soccer kick the dresser drawer. I might I said a few bad words and then sat on the toilet holding my head thinking, “I’m such an idiot.” After the pain subsided I got up to finish getting ready when I felt something trickling down my leg…that’s when I discovered I had a big gash in my leg. Needless to say I didn’t go running (sorry Brit).



Just Joan said...

yikes! i did that to my ankle with a window air conditioning unit...i have a nasty scar