Saturday, May 15, 2010

Baby Coraline

Wow it’s been a while. Well, in case you didn’t hear I had my baby. Coraline Grace born April 11 at 11:59 am, 8.3 pounds, and 20 inches. Since then she is simply growing and consistently changing. I look at pictures of her the day she was born and I don’t even recognize her. She is so beautiful. My family says she looks like Matt but honestly I don’t see either of us in her.

My first mother’s day was interesting. I still can’t believe I am a mother. Needless to say I spent a good time of my mother’s day in the ER because I had a breast infection and a fever or 104. But no worries I have drugs know I am getting better!




Just Joan said...

She is beautiful! I miss you. Hope you are feeling better and enjoying your new baby girl!

Sabra said...
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Sabra said...

She looks very Matt-ish in these two pictures, but I will wait until I meet her in person to truly decide. She's beautiful either way. How can she lose with you two as her parents?

Jen said...

Thanks Sabra...your too kind!