Thursday, October 9, 2008

Top Ten Childhood Memories...

Well, a couple of family members decided to start this topic and hopefully I can do my part in continuing it…
*They aren’t numbered in order of importance, just in the order they popped into my head.

1. Dance class… “I’m sorry Mrs. Linda. We love you Mrs. Linda.”
2. Gina Badone taking me home like everyday from dance before I was of age to do it myself.
3. Playing in Bard with my cousin Joan. We would make all kinds of “food” from flowers, hind from my sister, and make chocolate ice cream.
4. My sister…was pretty much a riot back in the days. We would spin her on her stomach on a swing until she got sick (to name one instant).
5. In kindergarten, my teacher called on me to write an answer on the chalkboard, and I did it with a pencil. Makes me laugh still to this day.
6. Girl Scouts- cookies and camping over at Mrs. B’s house.
7. Having weekend sleepovers with Melissa.
8. Singing every song on the radio and on the piano with Liz, and having competitions to see who could fill up more of each other’s year book.
9. Deborah…another riot. There was never a dull moment with her!
10. Sour patch kids…and their legacy of murder on the dance floor…Rat Tails!

This was a good one…thanks!


Laydee said...

Ms. Linda- what a funny lady. I remember recitals and every room smelling like mr. g's tacos!